Getting Six Pack Abs

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Need help getting them six pack abs?

Who doesn't want nice abs for when they are relaxing on the beach in the summer? Well now is a great time to start. In order to get a chiselled visible six pack it's going to take lots of preparation and dedication as it won't come easy. Here are a few simple steps to get you started.

Eat correctly

This is arguably the most important piece of the puzzle. Eating correctly and maintaining a healthy nutritional balance will be an essential element to help keep your body fat percentage low. This includes; oatmeal, chicken, vegetables, fish and whole grain breads. Avoid hydrogenated fats and bread. Maintaining this type of diet consistently won’t be easy but it’s vital you improve what you’re putting in on a day to day basis yourself to see results on the outside.

Increase your cardio

Carrying out vigorous cardio exercise regularly will be important to help burnt fat. Doing interval or bursts of cardio will help burn fat quicker. Ensure you are doing adequate amounts of cardio as well as your weight training.

Abdominal exercises

And most importantly you can’t forget your ab exercises. These will be vital to build the muscle you need. Try to train your abs 3 times a week along with your regular weigh training. Mix up and change your exercise every two or three weeks to keep your body guessing.

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